Monday 9 July 2007

Drink Like a Fish!

Dave Hailwood, the brains behind Ups and Downs and other strips, is working with artist Toshiro De Smeyter on another strip, Drink Like a Fish, now being published for mobile by ROK Comics.

Toshiro De Smeyter is the 21-year-old creator of another well known strip, Scoff, a dressed-in-black individual with an undying love for cuddly kittens and a sarcastic sense of humour.

Toshiro has been passionate about drawing ever since he was a little boy, and last year finally decided to draw a comic on a regular basis, publishing a new Scoff comic online every Monday.

Toshiro runs his own website and engages in all sorts of other projects, such as Drink like a fish, a comic he designs together with David Hailwood.

Check out the first mobile-formatted episode of Drink Like a Fish for free below:

In daily life, Toshiro works in the pre-press of a screen print company, but one day says he’'d like to start as a graphic designer, because designing is his real passion.

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